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Luke Mercaldo Bibliography
Luke Mercaldo is a senior captain of a major international airline and an award-winning author and historical researcher. His worldwide travels have allowed him to work with leading museums, curators, historians, and collectors. Through these contacts a wealth of research material became available, enhancing not only his work but also that of other authors. His continued research has provided valuable information resulting in a renowned book and award winning articles in numerous journals and magazines.
Authored books:
Allied Rifle Contracts in America
Wet Dog Publications: 2011
Authors awarded the Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association”s President’s Cup Award, 2013.
Authored magazine articles:
Senta A Pua! The Brazilian Air Force in World War II and its Medals
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.and Julio Cesar F. Zary
Journal of the Orders and Medals Society of America, Vol. 73, No.4: July-August 2022
An Eddystone Presentation Rifle and the beginning of The Military Industrial Complex
The Remington Collector’s Journal: 2nd Quarter 2022
Handguns of a Forgotten Ally
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr. and Anthony Vanderlinden
American Rifleman Magazine: May 2022
The Brazilian Colt 1911A1 Contracts
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.
The Rampant Colt, Volume 41, No.2: Summer 2021
Authors awarded for the Best Rampant Colt Article in 2021
Cangaceiros - Brazil’s outlaws and their Winchester Rifles
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.
The Winchester Collector: 27 April 2021
Fighting for the Constitution - Winchester Rifles During the Brazilian Constitutional Revolution
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.
The Winchester Collector: Summer 2020
A Most Uncommon War Weapon - The Remington Model 14 1/2 Slide-Action High Power Rifle
The Journal of the Historical Breechloading Smallarms Association, Volume 5, No. 1: 2019
The First Colt Government Model in Brazil
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.
The Rampant Colt: Summer 2019
Luger of the Tropics
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.
American Rifleman Magazine (online): 10 April 2019
The Smoking Snake: Brazilian Expeditionary Force Militaria
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.
Journal of the Orders and Medals Society of America (OMSA)Vol. 70, No. 1: January- February 2019
Authors awarded The OMSA Literary Medal
Brazilian Expeditionary Force - Medals from the Forgotten Ally
Co-author Douglas de Souza Aguiar Jr.
Military Trader magazine, Vol. 25, Issue 9: September 2018
Colts in the Cockpit
Co-author Anthony Vanderlinden
American Rifleman Magazine: April 2018
The Remington Model 14 1/2 Slide-Action, High Power rifle
The Remington Collector’s Journal: 4th Quarter 2017
Winchester Lever-Actions go to War
American Rifleman Magazine: June 2015
Remington Mosin-Nagant
Military Trader magazine, Vol.20, Issue 6 :June 2013
Condition + Backstory = Collector Heaven, The $1,000 Mosin-Nagant
Shotgun News Magazine: 2012
H.M.S. Canada Ross Rifle
Shotgun News Magazine, Vol.66, Issue 11: 16 April 2012
Two American Revolvers in British Service
The Armourer Militaria Magazine: March/April 2012
Remington’s Allied Contracts During World War One
The Remington Collector’s Journal: 2nd Quarter 2012
H.M.S. Canada Ross MkIII
The Military Rifle Journal: March 2011- Issue 203
American Revolvers in British Service
The Military Rifle Journal: August 2010- Issue 201
Imperial War Museum, London: Sponsored by The Historical Breechloading Small Arms Association, 2011. Co-Lecturer, Adam Firestone.
Imperial War Museum (H.M.S. Belfast), London: Sponsored by The Historical Breechloading Small Arms Association, 2013.
National Rifle Association Headquarters Building, Fairfax, Virginia.: Sponsored by The Remington Society of America, 2015. Co-Lecturer, Adam Firestone.
Springfield Armory National Historic Site, Springfield, Massachusetts : Sponsored by The Friends of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site, 2017. Co-Lecturer, Adam Firestone.
Contributing Subject Matter Expert:
Blue Book of Gun Values: Blue Book Publications Inc., 2019, 2020, 2021,2022, 2023