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Collectibles Poland: VIS Radom
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ITEM CS-STK22: VIS shoulder stock as made by Collector's Armory / Tom Nelson from period documents. Complete with the photocopies of (period) documents as originally sold. Everything functions correctly including butterfly connecting lug. Scarce item. NOTE: This is sold as a stand-alone accessory not to be mounted on a pistol. Check current ATF regulations and requirements before attaching to a pistol : $1695=SOLD=
ITEM CS-RAD18: Original and nice BNZ wartime holster with solid stitching and soft pliable leather. Pull-strap is intact. Beautiful satin sheen leather patina, closure button still has the original brown paint on it: $224=SOLD=
ITEM CS-RAD11: Original BNZ wartime black holster with solid stitching. Pull-strap is intact, unusual white stamp: $169 Reduced now $129=SALE PENDING=
ITEM CS-RAD19: Original wartime holster with solid stitching. Pull-strap is intact. Leather shows some wear, faint markings: $159 Reduced now $99=SALE PENDING=
ITEM CS-RAD17: Original and nice black GPZ wartime holster with solid stitching and soft pliable leather. Late variant made without pull-strap : $229=SOLD=
ITEM CS-RAD3: Original and nice wartime holster with solid stitching and soft pliable leather. Pull-strap is missing or removed when beltloops were replaced. Period alteration. Beautiful satin sheen leather patina: $169 Reduced now $129​
ITEM CS-GRIPS 3C: Modern reproduction grips: red brown plastic $24
ITEM CS-GRIPS 3B: Modern reproduction grips: unfinished wood $28
ITEM CS-RAD8: stunning near mint BNZ wartime holster with solid stitching and soft pliable leather. Pull-strap is intact. An unusual leather color and texture. We will likely feature this one in an upcoming book: $359
ITEM CS-RAD1: Historic wartime holster with original 1943 Kuban campaign badge, Wehrmacht's Last Stand. I have compared the badge to reproductions and this is the real deal. Solid stitching and soft pliable leather. Pull-strap is intact. We will likely feature this one in an upcoming book. For the advanced collector: $469
ITEM CS-RAD12: Original and nice BNZ wartime holster with solid stitching and soft pliable leather. Pull-strap is intact. Had a name marked into the leather on back, see photo. Satin sheen leather patina: $189=SALE PENDING=​