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Used Collector Books
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Most books are consignments and open to offers. HC = Hard Cover


WD1: FN Browning Pistols, 3rd Ed, HC 2 volume set, by Vanderlinden, both book covers / corners damaged in shipping. This is a new book set with solid binding and a good reference tool for those just interested in the information $95=SOLD=


Books1: Military Rifles of Japan 1897 to 1944, HC, by Honeycutt and Anthony, $44

Books1: Military Rifles of Japan Second Ed, , HC, by Honeycutt and Anthony, (2" piece of tape on dust jacket ) $44

Books1: Canadian Military Handguns 1855-1985, HC, by Law, $29

Books1: Japanese Handguns, HC, by Leithe, $20

Books1: Japanese Infantry Weapons of WWII, HC by Markham, $29

Books1: War Baby! the US Caliber .30 Carbine, HC by Ruth, $176

Books1: Japanese Mil Handguns + Holsters 1899 -1945, HC by Van Lund, $67


Books2: World of Lugers Proof Marks, volume one, HC by Costanza $89 =SOLD=

Books2: World of Lugers Proof Marks, volume one, HC by Costanza $89

Books2: The Luger Pistol (pistole parabellum), HC by Datig $14=SALE PENDING=

Books2: The Luger Pistol (pistole parabellum) by Datig $14

Books2: The Krieghoff Parabellum, HC by Gison $94=SALE PENDING=

Books2: Lugers at Random, HC by Kenyon $ 14

Books2: Lugers at Random, HC by Kenyon $ 14

Books2: The Dutch Luger (Parabellum), HC by Martens & de Vries $ 119

Books2: U.S. Test Trials, 1900 Luger, HC by Reese $ 24

Books2: Simson Lugers, Simson & Co, Suhl, HC by Tinker & Johnson $ 189


Books3: Luger Variations, volume 1, HC by Jones $ 19

Books3: Luger Variations, volume 1, HC by Jones $ 19

Books3 Mauser Pocket Pistols 1910 to 1946, HC by Pender $169=SOLD=

Books3: Mauser Rifles and Pistols, HC by Smith $ 12=SOLD=

Books3: Mauser, Walther & Mannlicher Firearms, HC by Smith $ 19=SOLD

Books3: Police Lugers, German Police Lugers, HC by Tinker & Gruber $189

Books3: The Luger Story, the standard history, HC by Walter $ 5=SALE PENDING=


BOOKS4: Small Arms of the World 7 th Ed. by Smith, HC $7


BOOKS4: Small Arms of the World 8 th Ed. by Smith, HC $7


BOOKS4: Small Arms of the World 8 th Ed. by Smith, HC $8


BOOKS4: Small Arms of the World 11 th Ed. by Ezell, HC $8


BOOKS4: Small Arms of the World 12 th Ed. by Ezell, HC $9=SALE PENDING=


BOOKS4: Handguns  of the World  by Ezell, HC $9


BOOKS5: ROUGH FORGED Vol I+II Combined 2 volumes by Weaver, HC $199


BOOKS5: Karabiner98K  Vol IIa+IIb = 2 volumes combined, by Karem, HC $274


BOOKS5: Karabiner98K  Vol I Karem, HC $419


BOOKS5: Bolt Action Mil. Rifles of the World, HC $48=SALE PENDING=


BOOKS5: Backbone of the Wehrmacht, HC $79=SALE PENDING=


BOOKS5: Backbone of the Wehrmacht, HC $79

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